compatability cpu

Forum discussion tagged with compatability cpu.
  1. chaydon117

    Question Mac Mini Early 2009: compatability with Intel P8700 ?

    Hopefully the title is not too vague. Here is context. Recently, I accidently broke off the socket that connects the power button to the logic board of a late 2009 Mac Mini 3,1. A screwdriver can short the contacts on the board, allowing startup but this is a temporary fix and fear of...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] RAM Compatibility Question

    Hi All, I keep seeing these listings on eBay that are processor specific RAM. Ie. AMD ONLY RAM. When I contacted 1 user about it, he said that they were specific to AM2 and AM3 only. I thought RAM was compatible all round and socket type or CPU didn't matter? Can someone confirm please? This is...
  3. garlicc juice

    [SOLVED] Ryen 5 3600 mobo compatability.

    At first i thought that i was very sure that i knew how to choose the right parts for a pc build, how to install everything etc. , but all the mobo and ram incompatability problems that i've read left me very confused. :D Maybe i just got too anxious and overreacted on all the problems , idk ...