compatibilty RAM

Forum discussion tagged with compatibilty RAM.
  1. L

    Question Compatible 64GB RAM kits for Crosshair VI Hero

    Pretty much asked this everywhere now, and still no solid answers, other than 'it should work with any 3200 kit' I'm trying to buy a 2x32GB memory kit to upgrade my ancient 16 GB vengeance LPX I'm running currently. I know my motherboard supports 128GB maximum, so it should theoretically...
  2. C

    Question Help upgrading ram

    Hello, Son my computer has a 2 x 4gb kit of crucial ballistix sport 2400mhz and i wanted to upgrade it. The problem is crucial makes a newer modelo of my ram and i cant find the old one where I live. So should I get 1 8gb stick of the new one, 2 4gb sticks of the new one, or try a different...