connection problem

Forum discussion tagged with connection problem.
  1. Zhaora

    Question Why do I have connection problems to specific websites with a specific computer?

    hello:> I have had a new gaming pc for nearly 9 months. I also have an old laptop that is dying from old age lol I'm an artist and I really need to do everything with my PC cause the hardware is a lot better than my old laptop but because of a connection problem, I have to switch between them to...
  2. L

    [SOLVED] Black Screen on monitor with brand new PC

    Black Screen on monitor when connected to my brand new pc, but works fine when plugged into my Macbook Pro 2014 13"? Hey everyone, So today I built my first PC, super hyped up and started building it with these brand-new components (not sure if it makes a diff but I used a low strength...
  3. AndBaggio

    [SOLVED] How to have a better connection for Xbox streaming to PC?

    I've got both the Xbox One and the PC cabled and sometimes I play the Xbox One through my PC in streaming (using the Windows 10 Xbox app). Sometimes I get the "connection problem" message by the Xbox and sometimes during a game it lags and the video shuts off for a second. Why do I have these...
  4. I

    will my current AMD A10-7800 radeon r7 processor bottleneck if i got a gtx 1050 ti????

    will my current AMD A10-7800 radeon r7 processor bottleneck if i got a gtx 1050 ti???? Im really not that good with pcs so lol.. AMD A10-7800 12 compute cores 4C + 8G
  5. A

    EVGA Gfroce 750 ti vs HP Pro Series 3400

    Just bought an EVGA Geforce 750ti GPU. Installed it on my HP Pro Series 3400 (core i7, 8gig mem, 300w PSU, updated bios to 7.16), Fan on GPU is running, when I plug the DVI into the board I get blank screen. I can hear it boot to windows, just cant see anything. the latest version of the bios hp...
  6. P

    Multiple LEDs on motherboard after power outage

    Ok so about 2 hours ago my house had a power outage and obviously my pc shut off improperly and when I tried to turn it back on it would power on but nothing would show up on screen. I took a look inside and there are 3 LEDs that are on/flashing but I have no idea what they mean. The...
  7. L

    Crash immediately upon boot - no BSOD

    So over the last week I've been having some wonky boot issues, but now it's solidified and happens the same way every time. Windows will seemingly boot fine, but after coming up to the desktop, things start to fail and hang. The AXTU (ASRock tuning utility) splash screen stays up, so I can't...