control key stuck

Forum discussion tagged with control key stuck.
  1. FancyFlamingo

    Question Control Stuck even after disabling.

    It's been years since I've visited, so pardon me if I'm not in the right category. I can't be sure where this fits given every fix I've tried. I have this problem where Windows 10 acts as if I'd tapped the Control button, and by default will magnify/zoom out the size of my browser -- any...
  2. Muhammad Jahid

    [SOLVED] Both control keys (Ctrl) are not working (please read entire post)

    I tried all the possible solutions to get rid of this problem but failed. 1.updated the keyboard driver and restart the computer. 2.updated the keyboard and unistalled it and restart the computer. 3.troubleshoot the hardware and device as well as the keyboard several times and no problem found...
  3. starkiller211

    Question Control key stuck but not physically (Lenovo T420)

    i got a Lenovo T420 laptop which was working fine until today, for some reason it things that the control key is pressed down. Every time i press the backspace button it inputs { , space dosent work and many other keys. I tryed using a linux usb but the problem still presists. I've also tryed to...