controller rgb

Forum discussion tagged with controller rgb.
  1. G

    Question Fan controller in the Hummer TGM case ?

    Hi everybody, I have a question about the fan controller of this case which I do not know how to connect. Here are some pictures: There are four fans. Each one is conncted to the controller via one of the four connectors on the right, the fan cable continues beyond the fan controller and at...
  2. M

    Question Can I run 13 argb cables from one controller ?

    Hi i have question i hope get right answer. I have this controller below: and i have 10 fans + 2 cable argb + 1 gpu support argb the controller suppoort only 9 argb led but i can connect all in it 7 fan case in 7 argb led controller 3 fan cpu coller tie together in 1 argb led controller 2...