core i3 6100

Forum discussion tagged with core i3 6100.
  1. OblivionsEdge

    [SOLVED] Update h110m motherboard without cpu?

    Can I update my motherboard without a working CPU? So a bit of backstory first; A few months ago my old asus h110m-a motherboard got fried overnight during a power cut/surge, the result was that my motherboard got fried. I therefore bought another motherboard for my i3 6100 (old CPU yes i...
  2. Randomuser00

    [SOLVED] Someone help me... pls

    So this is my current setup i36100 12gb 2133 Gtx1050 Generic psu And recently my sister bought a used rx 570 since her rtx 2060 was still being shipped and its just a temporary gpu that she would lend me when she receive her new gpu. However, when I tried installing the rx570 on my system, i...