core i9-12900k

Forum discussion tagged with core i9-12900k.
  1. zone9

    Question Core i9-12900KF Scratched golden pad. anyway to fix it?

    Hey guys CPU: Core i9-12900KF with 2 Scratched pads. Looks to me like CFG[6] and CFG[7] pinouts. From what i understand from the pinout it seems to be two CPU DEBUG pads maybe filling in using a Nickel Conductive pen or something?
  2. jnjnilson6

    Discussion CPU Power through the Years

    The Core i9-12900K harbors the same performance a Pentium 4 HT clocked at 241.3 GHz would produce. *Core i9-12900K Score - 2956 points Pentium 4 HT @ 3.06 GHz Score - 37.5 points Pentium 4 HT @ 1.0 GHz Score - 12.25 points *Pentium 4 HT @ 241.3 GHz Score - 2956 points Dividing 2956 by 12.25...