Corsair RMx

Forum discussion tagged with Corsair RMx.
  1. Zalgo

    Question RTX 3080 strix flashing red at power connectors.

    I have a rtx 3080 that started to give issues with my last PSU, an 850watt (pc resetting when doing intensive things in some games and streaming and did the flashing thing off and on). The PSU was a few years old and this GPU is demanding so I figured it was time for an upgrade. So I bought a...
  2. Pcstarter

    Should i upgrade my motherboard

    Hi! I currently have msi h81m-e33 as my motherboard and i upgraded my cpu to i7-4790k should i upgrade my motherboard i would rather not beacuse of strict budget i have heard that motherboards dont really effect perfomance Also is intel stock cooler OK for gaming