cpu cooler gpu

Forum discussion tagged with cpu cooler gpu.
  1. AlxR25

    [SOLVED] Can a cpu cooler affect GPU temps?

    So lately I've seen my GPU temps rise by a lot. I'm rocking the Intel core i5 10400f with a GTX 1660Ti. When i first got the setup i was using the stock intel cooler but my CPU temps where too high so i swapped it up with an Arctic freezer 34 esports duo. So i think that since then my GPU temps...
  2. jaber2

    My Gigabyte Z370 2nd slot M2 is not detecting WD hd

    Hello, I appriciate any help, I have purchased a Gigabyte Z370 Gaming 7 and already installed one M2 drive on slot M2A_32G, I installed Windows 10 and wanted to add the second M2 drive on slot M2P_32G but the motherboard does not see it at all, have you seen this before? Do you have any...