cpu heatsink

Forum discussion tagged with cpu heatsink.
  1. zoldos

    Question 3 pin full speed fan, or 4 pin PWM fan for CPU heatsink??

    I currently have a standard 92MM 3 pin fan on my CPU heatsink that spins at full speed. Honestly, temps are great since I removed the front of my case to expose the 120MM fan that was behind it (cheap HP case). But, would a Noctua PWM fan work better? Is it worth swapping it out? Thanks!!
  2. T

    [SOLVED] Temperature issues intel i5

    Hello friends, I have i5 3330 H77m D3H motherboard In these days temperature increasing in my area. For normal use my cpu temperature is 45 to 50 degree Celsius. But when I render videos (with 100% cpu load) temperature is going upto 95 degree with intel stock cooler. Now I have two options for...