cpu limited

Forum discussion tagged with cpu limited.
  1. M

    Question Upgrading hardware for MSFS 2020 ?

    So, recently I mostly play MSFS2020. I am using the system with the specs in my signature. Generally speaking game runs pretty good but runs in some performance in stuttering issues at lower altitudes and busy airports. In 1440p with High End preset (second highest, Ultra to be the highest) I am...
  2. psycher1

    Question CPU vs GPU upgrade

    Hello. A situation for your consideration. My current system is all AMD: 3600 w/ 3000mhz RAM, and a 6600XT GPU. Allowed myself to splurge and got a 1440P Ultrawide 144hz monitor. I like the screen real estate for work, and would like to enjoy it for gaming as well, but you can see that my...
  3. Bakakumaho

    [SOLVED] Is my CPU limiting my graphic card ?

    Hi, everyone ! So, this is my CPU's percentage of utilization while I was playing. I read that if your CPU's utilization is too high, it means that your CPU is limiting your GPU, which is something I don't want, obviously. And the % of Utilization is quite high, nearly hitting the 100% and...