CPU Over Voltage

Forum discussion tagged with CPU Over Voltage.
  1. Ashraf546

    Question CPU over-voltage ?

    Hi there, I had a post too on my Asus ROG Strix H370-F that suddenly had left postin'. I tried everythin' which is ever recommended and then I took it to a Repair shop, that guy had 4 days in it still no fix, no ez debug light nothing at all but fans and Mobo rgb lights were working... So the...
  2. Tsumi1717

    Question CPU over voltage issue

    Hello there, I'll start off with the obligatory "I'm not really an expert and don't know what I'm doing" lol. A couple days ago I booted up my pc to find a CPU over voltage error, and have since been trouble shooting and trying fixes. I've reseated pretty much everything on the motherboard a...
  3. A

    Question CPU Over Voltage Error after installing a third hard drive and switching around power cables

    Hello! I recently installed a third hard drive. In order to get the new hard drive in its place, I had to get my ram out and I also had to unplug the power cables to all my other hard drives because they were in the way. When the new hard drive was in place, I put the ram back in its slots and...
  4. pss200835

    PC Restart During Gameplay (SC 2 LOTV, COH 2)

    Dear Masters, My PC Restart during gameplay (after several minutes, sometimes instantly) at SC 2 (VERY HIGH) CPU and GPU temp are fine, CPU at 50 degC, GPU at 58 degC. My specs are, INTEL i5 4590 3.3 ghz cooled by schyte ninja heat sink GIGABYTE H97M-D3H Sapphire R9 270X dual-x with latest...