cpu stuck

Forum discussion tagged with cpu stuck.
  1. Z

    Question Cpu stuck at 3.78ghz

    I have a Ryzen 5 3600 at 4.2ghz. When i change in my bios from normal to asus optimal (wich focuses on performance) my cpu is stuck at 3.78ghz. Idk why cuz this should not get me better performance. My Pc is not in powser saver mode (unltimate performance) wich would be an answer. And an other...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Missing Front Panel Connectors & CPU is stuck

    I am currently building my first gaming PC and I have a question regarding the front panel connectors. I am brand new to all of this so forgive me if this is a stupid question. But I am currently trying to connect my front panel connectors and I only have one, which is Power SW. From all the...