CPU temprature

Forum discussion tagged with CPU temprature.
  1. A

    Question is this cpu temprature normal ?

    i just installed my new pc , i5 11400 b560m gigabyte arous pro 16 gb of ram and the temprature is 50 and 40 celsius while not doing anything buy opening the microsoft edge browser PS im using the stock cooler another question , it takes alot of time opening new programs , i know that adobe after...
  2. yatharthmaheshwari


    My PC is 3 years old and from past 1 year, I have been getting BSOD whea uncorrectable error while playing games which i tried to find out the cause of it but not able to find it until I recently tried core temp application in which I found that my cores while playing games often touches 80 to...
  3. C

    Which is best? motherboard, and case!

    Hi guys, I have a BIG problem! I am stuck for choice for the motherboard, and case. I have listed the parameters, but all other suggestions is greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance. So to start: the motherboard! I am in the UK and three motherboards have caught my eye at a reasonable...