I have a old school dell E551 monitor I have noticed that the screen appears to change or warp when there is white on the screen is there a problem, the monitor it self is is in excellent condition but I know when this monitor series was new it was classed as the value option so I'm guessing it...
I am currently struggling with trying to get something which is probably stupid to work, it usable at the moment but it has some horrible black bars on the ends of the screen. I am currently trying to get a CRT to work, its a 4:3 14" ALBA CRT however Windows is detecting it as a 16:9 1280p...
My led monitor is damaged, and until I can repair it I am using a crt monitor, yesterday from one moment to the next a horizontal line began to appear at the top, and it changes position according to the frequency at which the monitor is (60 , 75, 85 hz). Obviously the first thing I thought was...
So I have this old CRT color monitor from like 1990 and today I tried powering it on, as well as the computer. So first thing I did is power on the computer and then I plugged in the monitor and pressed its button on the front. Nothing happened. Then I pressed it a little longer and a yellow...