
Forum discussion tagged with cry.
  1. hamsterwifiuser

    Question Bad lag spikes ?

    I've been getting horrendous lag spikes every time launch any game, which makes it a horrible experience and I'm looking for a fix. I did ping x.x.x.x -t and this is the result: It looks like theres something wrong, and I can't figure it out
  2. B

    Computer not coming on...

    My wife got a new case so I went and got her a new video card to go with it, and water cooling. After moving everything over I noticed she needed a new Power supply so we got a corsair 750. I found the IO front panel connections on this website and hooked everything up and nothing came on, no...
  3. N

    Feedback on my Skylake build

    Hello I've decided that I'm upgrading my game-only rig to Skylake and I would like some feedback whether my new build is decent. Some key aspects to keep in mind: - 1080/60fps is my main target. Anything above is welcome, but not necessary. - my build needs to be future-proof, needs to last...