current limit throttle

Forum discussion tagged with current limit throttle.
  1. Chandula

    Question i7-14700k is Current Throttled and ExternalVR Throttled ?

    Hey! I recently built a new PC for video editing. When I opened up Premiere Pro just a simple playback of footage took my temperature to 100C on HWiNFO. I ran the stress test with Intel XTU and it gave me Current Throttled, Power Throttled, and ExternalVR Throttled. Power Throttle went away...
  2. K

    [SOLVED] Can power throttling because of power IC?

    Recently my laptop is facing current and power limit throttling. Sometimes the power is showing plugged out and plugged in again when using charger . I tried every possible fix I can do from internet. I tried repasting, Undervolting, changing with power limits, increasing power limits, checking...