cursor bug

Forum discussion tagged with cursor bug.
  1. M

    Question Cursor bug

    i recently upgraded from a 1070 to an 7800XT and i noticed this weird mouse corruption when transitioning into another shape, for a split second it turns into a red horizontal line, i thought i might have been traces from DDU, but then i upgrade from win 10 to 11 doing a clean installation and...
  2. kato_11112

    Question Mouse-cursor won't click on other windows ?

    So recently I've had this problem on my computer where the mouse cursor still moves perfectly fine but it only seems to respond to clicks within one process/window (and it's not always the same process), almost as if it's getting "locked in". The best way to describe it is to imagine a modal...
  3. MengelLegend

    Question Mouse cursor changes playing certain games

    When I start a certain game my mouse cursor changes to some sort of block with lines. Using: Logitech Mx master 3 Tried: Change cursor in windows Turn off night mode different mouse (wired) Reinstall mouse drivers Reinstall graphics card drivers Reinstall steam and games Please help me fix...
  4. A

    Question Mouse cursor freezes for a second, then behaves perfectly normally ?

    Edit - [8/23/2023] Update: New SSD M.2 Installed, problem appeared only twice during the day, os freshly installed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edit - [8/22/2023] Update: New symptom, mice (HyperX Pulsefire Haste wired) disconnected and...
  5. J

    Question Has anyone ever seen this issue with the cursor

    Good day all, Ive recently had a system built, everything works fine and there doesnt seem to be any issues (outside of the computer restarting when i clearly said "update and shut down", but thats for another discussion) When i move my cursor (not always), mostly when the computer is trying...