
Forum discussion tagged with D630.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] Latitude D630 as NAS?

    Hi everyone, I have a 2007 Core2Duo Latitude D630 running win 7 on 4 gigs of RAM. Until recently, this was my backup PC. I'm now thinking of swapping out the stock 160 gig HDD for a 2TB unit and also install another 2TB with a HDD caddy into the optical bay and use this as a NAS. This should...
  2. Hootla1

    New hardware installation, so many BSOD's

    So many BSOD's please help! I installed a New Motherboard (Asus Z170), New CPU (i7 6700) and new Ram (Corsair Vengence 16Gb 2400) and it was working fine for a while. And then I tried putting my headphones in, and they wouldn't register. I looked at my driver installation disc for the...
  3. S

    RAM Memory Module Compatibility for Alienware Alpha

    Hello! is this RAM Module: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LDLV6S/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Compatible with Alienware Alpha? Thanks in Advance