Dash cam

Forum discussion tagged with Dash cam.
  1. L

    Car Dash Cam - any Recomm?

    Hi Everybody, I'd like to get a dash camera. From what I've researched, there is a pretty wide range of prices starting from about $ 30 to $ 300. What are the differences between cameras one one end of the range and the other? More insights I got are (feel free to correct me if I’m...
  2. D

    DVD player's framing is misaligned with a black bar in the middle.

    My Toshiba DVD player SD-4800 has a frame that is off center so the bottom half of the frame is projected on the top half of the TV and the top of the frame is on the bottom of the TV screen and there is a black bar in the middle. It's similar to film projectors that have a framing slider to...
  3. M

    ASUS Deluxe II: What happens if I use dual channel ram in slots not recommened by manufacturer

    I'm buying a new PC. I'm getting the ASUS Deluxe II motherboard and the R1 Ultimate/Universal cooler. Because of the size of the cooler, I can't put the ram sticks in the recommended slots. This is the guide by the manufacturer...