Data Breach

Forum discussion tagged with Data Breach.
  1. Hoixomatic

    Question I got hacked

    I am a student at a university with a server that has recently experienced a data breach with possible data collection of student information. I opened an email in my university account yesterday that seemed to come from the “hackers” (my terminology might not be correct) while I was connected...
  2. K

    Question Me and my families emails got hacked

    Hello, I will start this with some backstory of the event that happened. In the morning I powered on my PC and discord has automatically logged me out (I'm usually logged in automatically) and for my 5-6 years of using discord it has never logged me out. At first I thought nothing of it...
  3. C

    [SOLVED] Have I been pwned? Which passwords?

    The haveibeenpwned dot com site will tell me if my email address or phone number was included in a data breach, but doesn't seem to tell me which of my past passwords have been compromised. I've had my address for 20 years and have used multiple passwords in multiple places... is there a way to...