Forum discussion tagged with DDC.
  1. Kicker1379

    [SOLVED] Pump runs at 1% power until it is unplugged/plugged back in

    I have a 12V ddc pump. It has a pwm header and a molex connector. No matter how I connect it (motherboard+molex) or even just molex I get the same issue. When I first boot my computer the pump runs at about 70 rpm, not enough to do anything. When I unplug and replug the molex connector while...
  2. F

    Game not running

    Couldn't create direct 3d device9 problem occuring
  3. E

    Router Connected External HD Question

    I just got the Linksys 1900ac router with external esata connection. It has a pretty nice administrative interface for sharing out an external hard drive. Currently, I use Windows Media Center with a Goflex NAS right now to store and play my movie library. I would like to up the storage...
  4. L

    Which GTX 760 is better?

    I want to upgrade but not sure which GTX 760 cards is better. Which one would you recommend out of these ones: The MSI one, the PNY one, the Palit one, the EVGA GTX 760 ACX or the EVGA one that has 1 fan.