debug light

Forum discussion tagged with debug light.
  1. M

    Question PC in need of troubleshooting

    About 2 weeks ago, i built a new pc. I unfortunately didnt do an out-of-case test, so when everything was done and plugged, the ez debut led showed a cpu issue. the led was red and solid. the motherboard seems (???) to be ok because all the case led's and fans work and i can charge my phone...
  2. A

    Question PC wont turn on until I re-seat various things

    I built a new PC about 6 months ago and its been working just fine. About 1 month ago I replaced my GPU and power supply. Everything has been running smooth up until 3 days ago I went to go turn on my PC and it wouldn't boot. I got the CPU debug light, all my lights and fans were on but no...