deco router

Forum discussion tagged with deco router.
  1. O

    Question Unusual Problems with modem and router.

    Just need some simple advice. I currently have a TP-Link Deco X60 system setup in my house. Three Decos, all hardwired with either cat5e or cat6. The internet comes into the house through a cable modem, Arris SB6190, then into the main Deco, then into an unmanaged TP-Link 8 port gigabit switch...
  2. vertoxed

    Question Everytime my tv gets turned on my internet slows down considerably

    Whenever anyone uses this tv in my house the internet slows down to the point where a google search takes a while to load. It effects everything connected to the internet like computers, phones, etc. The TV is a Samsung Series 7. I do use a wifi extender...
  3. X

    [SOLVED] Deco X20 fast ethernet turtle speed wireless

    I have fiber optics, ethernet gives me 600/600 up/dn, however when switching to wireless, cant get above 170/160 This is the same as my old service that could not get above 150dn (15up) standard. I did not see an option to change the channel. The router is 15ft from my current device, so...