Deep Web

Forum discussion tagged with Deep Web.
  1. krelidas_34

    [SOLVED] What are some good Linux distros for surfing the Deep Web?

    From what I know, Tails OS is a good system. Unfortunately, the operating system does not directly boot on hard drives or SSDs- you need a USB. But I wonder if there's any secure Linux distro that directly boots from HDD/SDD drives. I know one OS called Qube OS. Anything other than that, I don't...
  2. D

    Computer sends CMOS checksum error - defualts loaded, then turns off by itself after 3-7 seconds

    A friend of mine gave me a motherboard, CPU, graphic card and RAM memory from his old computer which was working perfectly before he bought a new one and gave me the mentioned components (listed below). After several months I have assembled the computer finally, got a working monitor and hard...