Denied Access

Forum discussion tagged with Denied Access.
  1. Nevis

    Question [PLS HELP]External Hard drive Access denied [ Hard disk is not accessible ]

    I recently used my external hard drive which I have not used in a year and gave me that error code Hard drive Access denied, I was able to fix it, get in the drive but now every folder and file needs a change in permission manually, is there a way that I can change all of it in one go? There's...
  2. J

    Is my GTX 770 running at a good temp?

    I have a: Gigabyte GTX 770 - Idle temp: 46-47 degrees celsius. - Not overclocked i7-3770k - Idle temp: N/A - Not overclocked 1920x1080 HD Display 1280x1024 Display 1280x1024 Display I was wondering if it is normal for this graphics card to idle at that temp? Under full load the GPU temp goes...