disconnecting hard drive

Forum discussion tagged with disconnecting hard drive.
  1. Andrew_C1

    Question Crucial T500 M.2 (PC) Disconnects Randomly

    So just about 2 months ago at the beginning of January I invested in getting the Crucial T500 2TB Gen4 NVMe M.2 Internal Gaming SSD so I would have faster loading times and wouldn't have to constantly be low on storage. Initially, I had an issue with it not registering the drive at all, but...
  2. Terminasitor

    Question My new HDD is disconnecting while gaming

    Hello! I just got myself a 2TB WD HDD for some of my old games. I actually paired it with another 2TB HDD from Toshiba, that I already had and I decided to stripe them together in windows for better performance. However, when I try to play some games, I get many lag spikes and crash to the...
  3. S

    Question External HDD unable to access data

    I have a 1TB ADATA HD650 external hard drive, I've had it for over a year, and one day I after I got back from a meeting I turned on my computer I noticed that Windows wouldn't boot, it was stuck on the logo screen. Until I disconnected that drive from my PC it booted, and after that I plugged...
  4. PowerShot360

    Question Drive "unplugging"

    Hello everyone, I recently replaced a hard drive due to my old one seeming to come "unplugged" every 15 minutes or so, I needed more space anyways so I upgraded and my new drive seems to do the same thing. What I mean by "unplugging" is that it'll seem to disconnect and then reconnect which is...