So I bought 2 of these solar panel garden led from Aliexpress, but one of them stopped working a few days ago, when I opened it up, the pcb was wet and there was clearly a shortcircuit.
Tried replacing the pcb with a random 3a output one I could find, and the battery life turned abysmal...
So, I'm rewiring a pair of broken headphones (with an inline mic), which use a TRRS CTIA 3.5mm connector.
I can't figure out the following-
All components (drivers and mic) share a common ground?
If the above is correct, then the mic gets only one ring and the ground (sleeve) connector...
Just like the title says, I want to feed my eGPU setup (Riser 006c that has a male molex) with a Dell DA-2 220W. The problem is this that it has a male 8pin output, so I should find a female 8pin to a female 4pin molex, right? well internet doesn't help me, I looked everywhere, but there...
so ive been using my laptop with 1080p monitor, it does helped me a lot in terms of multitasking, but it is such a unpleasant experience using the fhd monitor with my laptop screen that only 768p, so im looking for another monitor, but im still kinda not sure should i get another 16:9 monitor or...