Forum discussion tagged with DJI.
  1. WojtekJKM

    [SOLVED] Avoid Video Details Compression

    INTRODUCTION My question is about poor quality of all kinds of grass in videos. As I didn't get the answer on the internet, mabye some experienced video editor would be able to help. I noticed that all my drone shots of grassy lands are completley ruined. I know more than enough about video...
  2. C

    Time for a new laptop?

    My HP laptop has been really great, but I've been using I think I bit more than it was intended. Recently, a few keys have become hard to depress (most annoyingly the space bar), plus the port into which the power cord is plugged seems be be wearing out; I have to wiggle it around sometimes to...
  3. S

    8700k/8600k vs 7700k upgrade

    Hey all. I built a Ryzen 5 1600 PC OC to 3.8ghz/ 16gb 3000 mhz RAM last month and not liking it at all. For the games i play such as WoW, OW, LoL, CSGO, BF1, and maybe some other AAA titles, usually tends to favor better single core performance. I see drops in FPS compared to my old 4690k. For...
  4. Y

    GTX 1060 3GB Edition

    Is it enough? I'm planning to play most AAA games and next gen. open world MMO's at 1366x768 resolution(My monitor's native res.) Sorry for my grammar guys. Not good at English, I hope you understand what I'm trying to say My PC Specs: CPU - Intel Core i5-6400 MOBO - ASROCK H110M-HDV RAM -...