
Forum discussion tagged with dmde.
  1. N

    Question Invalid Dynamic Disk after setting up a new computer DMDE novice

    Hello, Among the ranks of this forum, there are members who are well versed with respect to DMDE; it is your particular assistance I so graciously seek. My laptop crashed (gpu) so I had to migrate to a different computer (tower). One of the two internal drives from my laptop is inaccessible...
  2. T

    [SOLVED] HDD suddenly became unallocated

    My internal hdd all of sudden became unallocated space. Its only 3 years old and has been operating without a hitch ever since it was first installed. We recently had some power issues in the home, blackouts and brownouts which I think may have done it. I was searching for fixes as the data...
  3. J

    [SOLVED] Internal HDD unallocated after installion in new PC

    I recently upgraded my PC and with this did a fresh install of windows. I wanted to temporarly connect my old HDD's to transfer the data over to the new m.2 that I have, but the HDD isn't showing in the file explorer. It is however showing up in disk management but as "unallocated". I have...
  4. P

    Do I have to use sys fan 1?

    Do I have to use sys fan 1 or can i just use 2 & 3?