HP Compaq 6005 Pro Small Form Factor
Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)
I have NEVER set a password on my system for boot or anything else. But a couple of days ago I started getting a drivelock message when booting.
I did not have a bios password but doing research I found that you could...
I'm trying to perfom diagnostics on an HP Device specifically the HP 800 G1 SFF, I have the required tools, however the drive is DriveLocked and will not allow me to perform the Diagnostic tests, as I don't have the HDD password, If I temporarily replace the HDD with another HDD that's not...
Hello. I am trying to set a password on my SSD hard disk Samsung 860 EVO in my laptop HP Compaq 6710b. For that I enter to BIOS and the option for Drivelock passwords in the Security menu is unable(gray) and it can´t be setted. This way I can´t encrypt my disk with Samsung Magician with the...