Driver Compatibility

Forum discussion tagged with Driver Compatibility.
  1. R

    Question Sunpluscaller.exe caused display errors

    Hello! I need help with my computer and the issue with my backscreen not working and app crashes Some background info: Model: Asus taichi 21 CPU: i5-3317U intel (r) HD Graphics 4000 4GB ddr3 RAM OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit So my laptop has 2 displays, one on the front and one on the back What...
  2. U

    [SOLVED] Switching from a iGPU to a dedicated Gpu

    Hello I've been running on my cpu's iGpu and recently i got interested in a game so i bought a cheap gpu to add to my system to run it a little bit better and smoother. But the problem is im not sure if i know how to do it the correct way but i really want to do it myself, as im not sure if i...