driver verifier detected violation

Forum discussion tagged with driver verifier detected violation.
  1. kladovsky

    Question Random BSODs ?

    Hi, Ive had some recent problems with random BSODs. They usually come within 30 minutes of gaming. After one crash, the system seems more unstable and often crashes again, even when only using web browser etc. After letting it "cool down" it gets better. I used driver verifier which detected an...
  2. I

    [SOLVED] Random freezing of Video and Audio!

    On February 9, I received 3 blue-screens in a row. The first two stop codes were "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" and then the third stop code was "DRIVER VERIFIER DETECTED VIOLATION." I am not very familiar with blue screen stop codes, and I looked them up and found no problems that might have...