dying ssd

Forum discussion tagged with dying ssd.
  1. C

    Question PC unplugged for + 2 years, extremly slow and stuck at loading windows 10. What is the problem, could it be a dying SSD?

    Hello, I had my PC unplugged for a little more than 2 years and today I decided to plug the power cables in and power it on. The problem now is that it only get's passed the BIOS until the windows 10 blue square logo and the circle made out of dots spinning below it. I think it keeps spinning...
  2. refriedfood

    [SOLVED] My SSD is dying... or dead.

    So, I have a 1TB SSD as my main partition and OS device. I noticed lately that my OS was slowing at certain times, and even pausing completely and having to be hard rebooted. Sometimes I would let it sit for 24 hours to see if it worked itself out but to no avail. I've tried all the tricks just...