Engineering Laptop

Forum discussion tagged with Engineering Laptop.
  1. J

    Question Laptop for College (Engineering Major)

    Hi all, I was wondering if some more knowledgable people could weigh in on what type/what features I should be looking for for a college laptop. I am going to be studying Aerospace Engineering at WPI. There will be some extensive software I will need to be able to store and run on my computer...
  2. S

    Question Will the Lenovo Legion y7000p work well for a mechanical engineering student, or is there a better option?

    Next year I will be headed off to college, and as I will be in need of a laptop for my studies in mechanical engineering, I was wondering if the Lenovo legion y7000p would do the job. From what I have seen it is the best balance of price, performance, and game ability. Love to hear feedback and...
  3. U

    Windows 10 key

    Is it safe to buy windows 10 keys off of ebay like this