Erase data

Forum discussion tagged with Erase data.
  1. hellothere11

    Question HDD wipe that will prevent data recovery ?

    Hello everyone, sorry... I'm new here. Hope I I can get the answer. I have an unallocated hdd problem, but I also want the files inside that have been deleted and are still stored in MFT, I can retrieve them but how do I want them to be lost or unopenable. If it can disappear without being...
  2. E

    Question Need help erasing data from password protected HDD

    Hi everyone, so my lawyer gave me this laptop to install windows, but the thing is that after the logo screen i get asked to input a password, the message says Harddisk Security and there's only one option "Hitachi HTS545025B9ALock" I tried installing windows and also running dban and cbl data...