Forum discussion tagged with EVGA 430W.
  1. L

    Question i3-2120 + gtx 660 on 430w can it work?

    Hey do you all think that a i3 2120 and gtx 660 run on a evga 430w psu. this is the one i own https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-WHITE-Warranty-Supply-100-W1-0430-KR/dp/B00H33SDR4 from what ive seen using calculators like outervision that the recommended psu is about 422w but i never built a computer...
  2. M

    No audio after having TV hooked up to laptop via hdmi

    Help please. I had my laptop plugged in to the hdmi on my seiki tv.... after our movie was done I watched the satellite for a while and it worked fine. I turned the TV off and went to bed. When I woke up sound was not working when watching with satellite. Everything is plugged in right...