Exchange Server

Forum discussion tagged with Exchange Server.
  1. J

    Question Office 365 - - - Meeting Request Auto-response Notification ?

    Hello, I have an odd request that I am struggling to find where to begin looking for a solution. I have a meeting room that multiple users use throughout our company. In order for our front desk to co-ordinate properly, they need to know when someone books this room via Outlook meeting request...
  2. A

    Will a DDR3 2400 motherboard work with DDR3 1600 RAM?

    I am planning to buy this motherboard it says it is "DDR3 2400". I have already purchased this RAM This says it is DDR3-1600. I went to PCPartPicker and entered...
  3. H

    How Do i get my setup to show?

    please help me to get my setup to show!
  4. A

    Asus S550CM laptop turns of every 30 Minutes

    I have an Asus S550CM laptop and have been facing strange issue my laptop runs perfectly fine for exactly 30 minutes and then it turns off .As soon as it turns off and turn on back it will run for another 30 minutes with out any issues.. i have tried various options like .. Removal of battery...
  5. Sibbe_

    EVGA 600W PSU 80+ bad?

    hello so i just ordered my new psu the evga 600w 80plus (white) and ALOT of people are saying its bad, is it going to kill my system?? i ahve had a really crappy no brand psu for 3 years now and it just dieying so i dont expect it to be that bad. i have a gtx 670 TOP edition, i7 920 and 14 gb...
  6. B

    What Is Killswitch

    Hello, What does killswitch really mean? I can not find a simple explonation on google Thanks
  7. D

    Cannot figure out whats wrong with my monitors.

    Ok so this has been bothering me for a while now. I have a triple monitor setup with all 3 monitors being an ASUS VG248QE. Im using a displayport for all 3 monitors, connecting to an msi gtx 1080. And 1 of those 3 monitors i got about a month ago. Im not sure how to explain my problem so ill...
  8. A

    Need help to repair my laptop

    While I'm charging my asus laptop and opened it , its turned off no light indicator came out . What should I do ?
  9. S

    Does a CPU/GPU bottleneck hurt anything other than performance?

    I know there are a lot of bottleneck questions but I couldn't find an answer to my question. I bought a temporary budget CPU (Intel G4560) and an RX 480 8GB card. I assume it's going to bottleneck pretty badly but the rx 480 was on sale and I'm too cheap to spend a bunch of money at once. So...
  10. I

    PC Upgrade help?

    Okay, so hey, I'm a fairly new PC gamer, with only a very basic PC; (which can be found here: ); And basically I'm looking to see if I can upgrade it, so i can actually play any games with a decent frame rate and graphical setting. I was hoping...
  11. T

    Battlefield 1 resolution scaling

    I'm trying to find out how my PC would handle the game at 1440p. so i set the resolution scaling to 134%. at a base 100% 1080p... 134% is 1447.2.. I'm getting over 60 fps, does that mean I'd get similar numbers at 1440p?
  12. M

    my laptop screen is black and the fan is just quiet though the charger light and the light that shows that is on are okay

    i did not switch off the laptop it just went off on its own and when i tried to switch it off the lights that shows its on were on but the screen remain black. my laptop is an HP model hope i will get help. um someone who is not too technological so um afraid to open it.
  13. N

    Noobest PC upgrade.

    My friend is looking for DDR best 8x agp video card.He has pentium D 925.2GB of ram.Windows 7 32-bit. Will Nvidia Geforce 6600GT AGP 8x work on DDR?
  14. F

    Blue Yeti Windows 10 Code 28 Error

    I just bought a brand new Blue Yeti microphone, I plugged it in through a USB port and it didn't work, I checked recording devices, didn't appear there, I looked at all the places it could be, and it didn't appear, so then I went to device manager and it was located under other devices as Yeti...
  15. C

    Microphone on beats no longer work with splitter on new computer (Windows 10)

    Hello, For gaming I'm using a headset consisting of Solo Beats with an adapter/splitter to make it go into both the audio and microphone jacks in my computer. On my old computer this system would work great with the audio and microphone working, this computer had windows 7 at the time. But...
  16. S

    Refreshed Razer Blade Laptop Shares DNA With Blade Stealth, Including USB Type-C Port

    Razer updated its Razer Blade gaming laptop line, and most of the new features show that the new Blade shares the same DNA as the Razer Blade Stealth. Refreshed Razer Blade Laptop Shares DNA With Blade Stealth, Including USB Type-C Port : Read more
  17. elszeus

    Corsair CX Power supply or something else?

    Hey, Ive read a few posts that CX Series aren't doing so well. I'm building a modest Mini ITX gaming pc, with a GTX 750 Ti card. If I don't choose Corsair CX what shall I choose instead? Many thanks
  18. A

    How good is this computer for gaming?

    Can I run most games 1080p around high settings and with 60fps?
  19. T

    Sennheiser PC 350 Special Edition vs Sennheiser G4ME ZERO

    Does anyone know the difference between these two headsets. the PC 350 SE is normally $180 while the G4ME ZERO is normally $165. I was originally going to ask for the G4ME ZERO for Christmas, but I just saw on amazon the PC 350 SE are going for $99.99 for the black Friday sale. They are both...
  20. nshin313

    PC doens't turn off and nothing on monitor.

    So recently, my computer has been behaving oddly. After leaving it on for a bit, I would come back to find that that there was nothing on the monitor. At first I thought that the computer was in sleep mode, so I would move the mouse around. However; nothing came on the screen. So then I would...
  21. B

    Athlon X4 860K or FX-6350

    If both are overclocked to the same speed, and both have comparable systems under them, which would be the better gamer?
  22. J

    GPU performance loss

    Hi, In about 50% of times, when i start PC and start playing some games i get like 90% less FPS, than before this problem. If i restart PC there is about 50% chance that i will get my full performance, otherwise i have still performance loss. I tried running benchmarks on CPU and GPU, the CPU...
  23. R

    Tips on verclocking AMD FX6300 (Vishera)

    HI, i got an FX6300 CPU. Currently im running it a stock speed with a stock fan. any tips on till' where i should overclock and what aftermarket coolings are recommended. Also, any other related tips are appreciated. Thanks :D
  24. J

    Very Slow computer

    Alright, my system is extremely slow, it takes like a minuet to load a webpage and loading up programs such as Skyrim which takes like 5 minuets to load, but when I'm in game It's not laggy at all. It is also slow when I tab out on Sims 4 and I have occasional lag spikes. My CPU has eight cores...
  25. A

    Headset's mic does not work on new computer

    As said in the title, my headset's mic will not work on my new computer. It is a ttesport cronos. It works perfectly on my laptop as well as my phone.
  26. C

    Windows 8.1 Refuses to Restart to get into the BIOS

    I have made several attempts to get into the BIOS in order to change the boot order from a small hard drive to a larger one. I can get as far as going into the Advanced Settings to request a restart so I can select the boot order but when pressing restart, the screens go black and nothing...
  27. N

    Is this a good build im a pc noob?

    Is this a good pc biuld mainly for gaming?
  28. nikolaizombie1

    Is This A Good 700$ Gaming Build?

    PCPartPicker part list: Price breakdown by merchant: CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($189.99 @ Newegg) Motherboard: ASRock H97M Anniversary Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($75.38 @ Newegg)...
  29. N

    windows not installing

    my current configuration is i3 3110 processor gigabyte b75-d3h corsair 4gb 1600mhz corsair 430cxv2 80 gb hdd sapphire 7770 my pc was working properly but i wanted to install fresh copy of windows on it....while installing everytime getting error code 0x80070570 during expanding files after 60%...
  30. R

    batman arkham origins, battlefield 4

    hey guys this is one of my friends laptop config: processor-intel core i5-4200 cpu @1.60 GHz gpu-amd radeon hd 8670m ram-4gb but he can not play current high graphics games like(batman arkham origins,battlefield 4). I'm going to buy a laptop soon and I wanna play these games. so if you can...
  31. L

    Computer continuously shuts down

    Hey, i have had this problem for the past 3-4weeks, I currently have an amd FX -6300 six core processor 3.5Ghz, and my computer continuously shuts itself down while playing games and rendering from maya. When rendering from maya the cpu usage is 100% so im presuming they shut themselves down...
  32. NClemance

    Linux on E-machines netbook

    When I try to USB load Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my Emachines EM350 because windows XP is not supported it comes up with a message saying "DECOMPILATION OR DISASSEMBLY PROHIBITED" how can I fix this?
  33. W

    I would like to build a computer with a budget around 400 to 500 pounds for gaming and media. Any recommendation on what parts

    I would like to build a computer with a budget around 400 to 500 pounds for gaming and media. Any recommendation on what parts i could get and like what display card I could use for play games like BF4...within my budget, Many thanks.
  34. A

    Lag with new Graphics card

    My Graphics Card is a Asus R270X, I built my computer and initially was using my Intel core i7 4770K for graphics. A few days ago went into BIOs and disabled it for graphics and switch it to my PCI slots. (my graphics card previously wasn't showing up) SO now my graphics card is showing up...
  35. B

    Windows 8.1 keeps freezing but not when playing games.

    Hi my computer keeps randomly freezing. It freeze even when im barely doing anything but when I play games and it freeze everything does except the game, I can still play. It freezes for about 2-5 minutes and then it stops freezing. I am not good with computers please help, thank you. I have an...
  36. blackacidevil

    Hijack log,I can't install any device drivers unknownerror,10 scans +

    This is pretty wierd actually Im unable to update my Nvidia drivers, it keeps saying failed. After reading like hell on google and trying everything, i eventualy kinda gave up. When I went to install my chipset drivers, any type of driver, (i figured i needed to reinstall the motherboard...
  37. K

    Enabling file sharing from a Windows 7 to Windows XP/Vista Machines

    I have Quicken 2000 Deluxe on my computer when using XP; I had a new HD put in and installed a new Windows 7; Can I install my Quicken 2000 Deluxe
  38. I

    Windows xp reinstall

    I reinstalled Windows xp because I was having issues with a recovery. The computer is up and running now but I had 3 user accounts. All of the info in the documents of the one have been misplaced or deleted, I cant find it anywhere. I accidently named that user account the exact same as it was...
  39. C

    F1 or F2 option upon startup of XP PRO

    Whenever i start up my dell 4600 I get the following: SATA Primary drive 0 not found SATA Secondary drive 0 not found initializing Intel(R) Boot Agent Version 4.1.06 PXE 2.1 Build 083 (WfM 2.0), RPL V2.74 Strike the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility i just reformatted the HDD...
  40. B

    2TB HDD with Program Files failed

    I have a 120GB SSD for my OS and some programs, most of my games are on my 2TB which has failed. I have both a system image backup and regular back up of the data from the 2 TB drive. How can I restore this drive? Somehow I doubt it will just be a matter of restoring the files. Will merely...