extract files

Forum discussion tagged with extract files.
  1. X

    [SOLVED] Replacement for dns-323

    After years of good service my NAS died totally after what I assume was an electrical event. The problem is that it lived so long the 1TB WD10ears I used in them are no longer supported by modern NAS like the Synology DS218J I was going to purchase. Now in this age of cloud backups and...
  2. D

    [SOLVED] Move files of an old HDD to a USB drive

    Hello everyone, I have an old Western Digital WD800 80GB HDD. I have very important files on it and I need to move them to a safe place. The computer the HDD was in is dead and doesn't work, so I'm thinking about taking it to a computer shop, where the technician will do the job. I just want to...