failing to boot

Forum discussion tagged with failing to boot.
  1. MishterKirby

    [SOLVED] Did two sticks of RAM die on me?

    I restarted my PC, but it abruptly shut down (the weird thing is that the fans were still running, so I unplugged it for a while). When I tried to turn it on, it would just power the fans on, but not POST. When I saw it did that, I pulled the memory modules out, and tried booting it with no...
  2. W

    [SOLVED] Motherboard not working, even with shorting

    Hi all, I've been looking through the forums and have followed different and helpful threads, but nothing has yet helped me with my issue. I would really appreciate some help here. Tech spec is: Mobo - Asus x470F CPU - Ryzon 2700x AMD cooler Fan PSU vs650 M.2 970 1TB 2x8 Corsair RAM ATX silent...