How is this build?
It’s going to be used as a family all in one. Email, regular pc tasks, some blender rendering, gaming, streaming, multimedia, movies, music, internet, etc etc. their budget is around $1500-1600. Any changes or improvements that need to be made? We don’t need a case, extra...
My Computer isnt plugged directly into the modem but i have a ethernet socket in my room, up until recently my connection wasn't that bad but now my ping is absolutely horrendous, most games say i have some sort of connection problems and im not sure if it has something to do with my ISP or...
Hi everybody,
our family pc died, and my parents asked me to buy a new decent pc for them. since i m interested in ever building my own PC, i think this is the ideal occasion to learn. i therefore tought it would be cool to build them a very own pc. can somebody here help my decide on some...