fan malfunction

Forum discussion tagged with fan malfunction.
  1. T

    [SOLVED] H150i - middle fan not spinning on new build

    Hi all, I recently built a new PC, and for the first time used an AIO cooler (the H150i Pro RGB) having previously used air coolers. I've installed iCue and on the dashboard, it's showing the middle fan isn't running (0rpm). I had a look inside the case and it is indeed still whereas the other...
  2. Z

    Is this a decent budget gaming build?

    Hi guys, I was wondering if this is a decent budget build for gaming on games such as Fifa 14 or Jonah Lomu rugby challenge 2. Motherboard- Gigabyte 78LMT/USB3 CPU - AMD Phenom ii X3 710 Ram - 4GB DDR3 GPU - PowerColor HD 7750 I would appreciate if someone could please recommend me a...