fan rgb

Forum discussion tagged with fan rgb.
  1. Twistfaria

    Question 7 of my 13 fans suddenly not seen by iCue

    Had to restart my PC today for some random reason and when it came back on 7 of the 13 fans were lit up when they should be running dark at the moment. Checked in iCue and it said that the service had stopped running. Tried to restart the service and nothing would happen except the "restart...
  2. Thr33ram

    Question RGB stopped working after I upgraded my GPU and PSU

    After upgrading my GPU and PSU the RGB in my AIO and fans wouldn't turn on when I pressed the button that normally turned them on, the AIO is working cause my temps are fine and everything is plugged in and has been checked twice. Here are all my components, any help would be greatly...
  3. M

    Question Can I run 13 argb cables from one controller ?

    Hi i have question i hope get right answer. I have this controller below: and i have 10 fans + 2 cable argb + 1 gpu support argb the controller suppoort only 9 argb led but i can connect all in it 7 fan case in 7 argb led controller 3 fan cpu coller tie together in 1 argb led controller 2...