Fan Spinning Fast

Forum discussion tagged with Fan Spinning Fast.
  1. viecky

    [SOLVED] GPU crash causes loss of display, but PC is on, all fans are spinning and lights are on ?

    GPU crash causes loss of display, but PC is on, all fans are spinning and lights are on. I've tried all fixes. PC Specifications: Mobo: MSI B450 Tomahawk (MS-7C02) CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600x (6 Cores) with WraithSpire Cooler GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 - 6GB RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR4-3200...
  2. Infern023

    [SOLVED] Laptop not displaying anything but fans are running at full speed!

    So I got a prompt to update my Win 10 version, I left it to update overnight, I must have not plugged it in and the battery was low during the time of the updates, So I woke up to a dead laptop, plugged it in and now it does not display anything but the fans run at full RPM. HP Notebook -...