far cry 2

Forum discussion tagged with far cry 2.
  1. jnjnilson6

    Discussion Thoughts on the Radeon HD 5850?

    I have never had a 5850. Although I've had a friend who'd owned it. He had been financially tricked into getting an AMD 1090T or 1100T (forgot which), 4 GB RAM and an HD 5850 in 2010 for over 3000 dollars. Well, the point of this writing is not that. Many people are continually saying the 5850...
  2. N

    Finally asking for help re: SFF power supply

    I've been researching non-stop for a couple days and have reached the point that I feel like I need to ask the experts. Just the facts: I am Upgrading an HP Pavilion Slimline s5-1110 so I can use an MSI N750Ti - 2GD5TLP which requires 20A on the +12V rail The current PSU is an HP part No...