first boot error

Forum discussion tagged with first boot error.
  1. stupidcomputerbuilder

    Question fTPM error with my first PC build ?

    I built my first ever computer, now it has an fTPM error. When I clicked on "y", my computer rebooted and it shut it self off during it. this happened when i tried to install windows 10, Now when i turn it on all the fans argb turns off but they still move same with my gpu, nzxt aio, etc. The...
  2. Voxen

    [SOLVED] Computer always crashes during the first boot of the day and restarts with lower performance.

    Specs: + PSU: Corsair VS550 550W KPC Bulk Edition (CP-9020097-EU/BULK-KP ) Computer is roughly 4-5 years old and hasnt had much in terms of upgrades except the extra kingston sticks of ram So about roughly a week ago my computer started crashing rather frequently...
  3. F

    Please recommend an upgrade

    I am thinking of upgrading my SFF gaming rig which has the following specifications; Core i3 2100 2x4GB G.Skill 2133Mhz Gigabyte WindForce HD7950 120GB Kingston V300 2TB WD Red ASRock Z77E-ITX Cooler Master Silent Pro Gold 550W Corsair H80i Cooler Master Elite 130 I am considering a CPU and/or...