first time boot

Forum discussion tagged with first time boot.
  1. D

    [SOLVED] New pc build. Cpu fan error warning on bios

    Hello, ive just finished building my second pc. And when I booted it up I wasn’t getting any Response, just LEDs lighting up, but the Cpu fan clearly moved for a less than 10 secs I’d say. anwway, after making sure everything is connected right, it boots to bios and now it’s saying CPU fan...
  2. M

    Which motherboard should i buy gigabyte or msi?

    I have a i5 4460cpu And Toshiba 1tb hdd, And will buy Gigabyte gtx 1060 g1 gpu Corsair vengeance lpx 2666 32gb ram, And Samsung 850 evo 500 gb Please consider a mobo from asrock or gigabyte or msi for best gaming performance.
  3. G

    32bit windows instead of 64bit ?

    Hello, My sister has a laptop HP Pavilion g4 with - 2 gb of ram - and an AMD processor. She complains it run slow and until, not long ago, i saw that she has a 64bit windows on a 2gb system. The requirements for 64bit is 2gb and for 32 1gb ram. + i have purchased a year ago windows 8.1 full...