first time buyer

Forum discussion tagged with first time buyer.
  1. n0t_a_fella

    Question Ryzen 5 3600 with 6600 or 4650g with 6600xt

    Hello everyone! I live in an area where hardware for my price range is limited so I'm stuck with 2 choices: A. A ryzen 5 3600 with a xfx rx6600 Or B. A ryzen 5 PRO 4650g with a rx6600 xt They're both around the same price and power consumption isn't a factor. I'll mainly be gaming at...
  2. AmeedMv

    [SOLVED] Buying a New PC

    Hey guys. Haven't been on the forums for a while since I built my old PC. Unfortunately it died and I'm looking to buy a new one this time because building one is not something I can afford at the moment as many of you may know. Please note this is for gaming, graphic design and some amount of...
  3. L

    Building A Gaming Computer? How do you do it!

    So, I'm not a complete idiot, because I know some things, but it's basically just the surface. So just explain things to me as if I was completely new to the pc-building-scene. I want to know the ins-and-outs of building a computer; every nook and cranny. I want to know everything, from what...