Focus Loss

Forum discussion tagged with Focus Loss.
  1. shiftymcfly

    Question Applications in full screen losing focus to desktop

    I am having an issue where applications/games that are in full screen, or even windowed full screen for games are losing focus to the desktop. Depending on the application sometime even jumping out of the application to the desktop. This includes games, VLC, Youtube, Netflix etc. I have...
  2. S

    Question Game Alt Tabs on it's own

    whenever i'm playing fifa and i'm in a game, sometimes it just alt tabs out and back in (or windows focuses on something else). it doesn't take me out of the game it's just enough to make it count as a dnf. i really need to get this solved so i can play online in peace...
  3. Z

    Campsite Wifi Extenders

    I have a camper down at a campsite. They offer good internet and when you are near the router you get 20Mbps download. But when I am at the camper which is about 500ft away from the router I get really good strength on my iPhone which is 2-3 bars but the speed sucks only about 2Mbps. I was...
  4. N

    should I worry if my cpu is 65c idle?

    Hey Tom's hardware, so I recently finished my first build (yay!!) However I went into bios to make sure everything was running compadre and span and I noticed my cpu was running at a solid 63~65c. I am using a cooler master elite 130 which is pretty small but I'm worried it won't be up to the...