for honor

Forum discussion tagged with for honor.
  1. ahmediqbal1

    [SOLVED] Getting stutter/Low FPS on games

    What the title says I'm getting stutter/crashes/low fps in alot of games including Fortnite,For Honor,Apex Legends etc My Specs : My Case is Spec 04
  2. S

    BenQ BL3200PT Monitor usb ports not working

    Have rebooted several times. usb3's and 2's not working. Using DP connection to Dell desktop computer. Windows 10 pro.
  3. lordtristan28

    TECHNIS SB-A28 What amp and wire?

    Hi, I am not sure where else i could post this, But i'm just getting into home audios systems, I've done a bit of research and what not but i've been having troubles on a amp and what wire to use. I was looking on kijiji and found a pair of TECHNIS SB-A28 speakers for 100$ It seems like a pretty...